Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Two Months Later

Playing catch up is in order. I know it's happened many a time before on our blog but this time wasn't really our fault, not that having spotty internet connection in American Samoa was either ;). We've been adjusting to new life as a family of three and have been busy, sleep deprived but mostly in awe over just how precious Teagan is.

These two months have absolutely FLOWN by. I know it's cliche to say but where did the time go? It seems like it was just yesterday that I was barely making it through my first couple weeks as a mom. There was definitely a learning curve to functioning semi-normally on four [ish] hours of sleep from someone that typically needed eight to feel human. I would be lying if I said that I didn't have a few moments where I thought "What the hell did I get myself into?" I feel like many first time moms (and dads) are bullied into thinking that everything should come so naturally and in turn feel like they're doing something wrong when things are a bit rough. I also think that many veteran moms forget what those first few days...weeks are really like.   For me, the most difficult adjustment without a doubt was the sleep. No amount of reading books or taking classes could have prepared me for it [or the lack thereof]. Don't get me started on the saying "sleep when baby sleeps." Yeah, that's bullshit. Newborns, or Teagan anyways, either need to be rocked, breastfed, or changed while she's awake otherwise she's a colicky, screaming mess. So I "use the restroom/shower/eat/cook/do dishes when baby sleeps." 

Routine is finally setting in and Miss Teagan is a bit more predictable these days (let me stress the "a bit" part). I'm still not really sleeping much, or able to cross everything off on my daily to-do lists but we're definitely embracing our new normal. The smiles and happy snuggles are so worth it (more on that later).  This blog entry is kind of a case of bad news first. I promise I'll get to the good stuff soon. We went to the dreaded two month vaccination appointment being that Teagan just turned two months on June 27. Meh.. my mommy heart and Saul's daddy heart hurt for little Tea-spoon. We're both pro vaccination but it didn't make it any easier to see our baby get two needles jabbed into her chubby little thighs. She was in such a bad mood after the appointment and started running a fever. A couple days later and she's doing better but is still a bit fussier than normal. 

Teagan still won't consistently, or even semi-consistently, take a bottle or a pacifier (really, she's only taken both a couple times). Artificial nipples aren't her thing I guess. I try not to get frustrated with it and tell myself she's just that attached to me :). We'll continue to try but if she doesn't end up taking them it's not that terrible as our breastfeeding journey  has been pretty easy so far and breastfeeding while we're out and about hasn't been an issue. It's really only a minor inconvenience when it comes to drinking alcoholic beverages or wanting to leave her with a sitter in the first year or so.

In spite of the  aforementioned  -- I love being a mom! More specifically, I love being Teagan's mom. It has been beyond amazing to see her grow, change, and develop (seemingly everyday!) It's incredible to see her discover the world. She's just recently started noticing the bright colors on one of her mobiles and is just in awe over it (she used to be more interested in the stark contrast of black and white). She's the happiest baby in the morning. There's nothing like waking up to our daughter smiling big, gummy smiles at us. She has the most adorable yawns, sneezes and okay.. even flatulence! I still "awwwwww" almost every time. It's also incredible to see my husband who I've been with since we were both 19 and both immature teenagers become a daddy. He's so wonderful and so loving to Teagan. She's sure to be a Daddy's Girl.

As far as the specifics of her growth, Teagan was born weighing 7lbs 12oz, dropped to 7lbs by the time we left the hospital. Was 8lbs and 4oz a week later. 9lbs 6 oz at her one month appointment and is now a whopping 11lbs 3oz at her two month appointment. She was born a scrawny 18.5inches but has grown four inches and is now 22.5inches.

May 27th -- One month old

 June 27th -- Two months old

Teaspoon's favorite place to sleep since birth is on her daddy's chest

Aside from the obvious getting used to being three instead of two, Teagan, Saul and I have had a super busy two months. Our anniversary was in early May, then came Mother's Day. I had a wonderful first Mother's Day. Saul made me breakfast and dinner. He also gave me flowers and a beautiful Tiffany necklace with three key pendants. One for each of our hearts (one for Teagan, one for Saul and one for me). I also received more flowers, a dress and chocolate covered strawberries from other loved ones. I felt so very loved. 

Next, Addie arrived and we celebrated her !!20th!! birthday with breakfast, pizza at Signal Hill, and Thai food for dinner. Addie being around has helped me stay sane! She introduced Saul and I to Death Note, an anime show that's on Netflix. We've marathon watched it even though I was initially hesitant but let me just say it's pretty awesome. She's also been foster parenting our baby dogs. I'm so grateful that she's around! It's tough to have a newborn and animals at the same time. If I could give my past self some advice it would be to wait to get animals until after you have kids.

Addie's first time meeting her niece

My parents arrived from NY a bit after Addie's birthday and it was so great for them to meet and get to know their grand daughter.

My parent's first time meeting their grand baby

The dog beach at sunset

 Signal Hill

Teagy is a Yankee's fan :)

 Getty Museum (my mom had her selfie stick :-P )

My core is gone so Addie had to help me with my head stand haha

Great Grandmother, Grandma, Mom and Baby :)

Next came Father's Day. I got Saul and Teagers matching Timberland boots for Saul's First Father's Day and made him breakfast. He's wanted them forever! :)  Granted he's only been a dad for two months. He's been so amazing to Teagan and so supportive during my pregnancy//post partum period.

Father's Day breakfast I made for Saul ( waffles, an omelet and bacon)

Tea's hair looks cray. :)

Now that just about catches us up. July is sure to be just as exciting as the last couple of months. The Fourth of July was this past Saturday (it marks mine and Saul's 8th!!!) and my husband's 27th birthday is in a few weeks, yikes 27. That's basically 30! :)

Venice Beach over the holiday weekend!
Ms. Teagan has officially learned how to blow spit bubbles

Our best Teagan faces :)

Teagy's first 4th of July fireworks

Naida, Alex and Addie waiting for the Queen Mary fireworks



  1. Hi Saul and Chelsia! Congrats on the beautiful baby girl! We've always wondered how you guys were after moving to American Samoa. :) All the best - Paul and Stella Santiago, and Zean

  2. She looks beautiful hopefully I can meet her! Miss you tons chels.with love ashley g
