Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Summer Days are Driftin Away

It's nearing the end of August which marks the end of my least favorite season of the year. The weather is hot, sometimes humid, everything is dry and brown, public places are crowded, and pushy tourists have over-run all of Los Angeles' attractions. Just go ahead and call me Ms. Bah-humbug. You would think I had a terrible experience in the past few months but really since about 10th grade circa 2004, summer just hasn't been my swag.

That being said I've had a fantastic time this summer.  I'm getting really comfortable in my new job as a mommy to the sweetest human being I've ever known. Ms. Teagan will be four months in a couple weeks and I just can't believe how much she's changing and growing up. She's consistently hitting all of her milestones. People say that you shouldn't really worry about the milestones as every baby goes at it's own pace but it does make me and Saul feel good as new parents to see our little one rolling over both ways, holding her head up unassisted, grabbing things, playing with her feet, mimicking our sounds; every little things feels so spectacular! She's also finally taking a pacifier which is kind of a double edged sword. We don't want her to build habits that we'll just have to break later so we try to use it in very specific situations (car rides and so that she can self-soothe to sleep). She still won't take a bottle but she's a smart girl and is very intentional in her refusal. She'll latch onto an empty bottle happily but as soon as there is milk in it she's over it. I'm pretty much passed the idea of her taking a bottle too. I'm blessed to be in a situation where I can stay home with Teagan while she's a baby and breastfeed her. I'm beginning to realize that this is a very temporary time in my relationship with my daughter and I'll be missing these days, closeness, and snuggles soon enough. 

Teagan on her 3-month birthday :)

Saul, Addy and I discovered a pretty neat place in Long Beach called Alamitos Ranch. It's one of the last ranches from way back in the day and it's right in the middle of Long Beach. Saul found it on TripAdvisor as one of the top attractions in LB. It was free which made it even better!

We took Teagan and Addy to the OC Fair. We went on opening day before 1pm so admission and parking were free. Score!! You'll notice that Saul and I love discounts and freebies. Getting a good deal always adds to our experience :). Some say we're cheap, I say we're thrifty ;). We tried lots of fair food (the best part, no?) and meandered around in the hot Costa Mesa sun. 

Saul and I took a picture at this same place something like six years ago.

Chocolate covered pork rinds aka chicharones

Fried pickles are so legit.

Saul's 27th birthday weekend was actually quite fun considering we had to find things to do with a three month old.  First we went to an Angel's game. Teagan got a certificate because it was her first game ever. Saul and I had hot dogs that were topped with beef brisket. SO GOOD. On Sunday we went to the Aquarium of the Pacific where we became members (woohoo for a year of aquarium fun) and had brunch at Gladstone's. We ended the weekend by nom[ing] on some Frosted cupcakes. 

Frosted cupcakes!

Future marine biologist :)

Lobster and crab omelet

Birthday boy was happy with his brisket covered hot dog and beer

Such a good baby. Not even phased by the sound at all!

This past weekend we took an impromptu trip to Vegas which is on my top three places in the world. Teagan did fabulous on the drive there. We ate at Bacchanal Buffet at Caesar's which was just SO YUMMY. All you can eat King Crab Legs, yes please! Addie gambled for the first time. We let Teagan swim in the jacuzzi (which we filled with unchlorinated cool water) on our balcony. It was a really nice weekend getaway despite the 114 degree heat!

I was feeling pretty judged haha

Addy's first time gambling

Goon Squad!

Pizza and maitais

On our balcony

All money, no bank. Get that outta here BG.

Happy baby Teagan

Spent the whole time at the buffet sleeping.

We were so let down by the Alien Jerky place in Baker that we pass every time we go to Vegas. Essentially a gas station with beef jerky as the main attraction and no gas :(

While those were essentially the highlights of summer we also had many a mini-adventure. This might have been one of our more busy summers to date despite having a little one. She really only added to the fun. There are so many baby-friendly things to do or maybe Saul and I were always just kind of lame so having a baby didn't really change much. :-P


Huntington Beach

Teagan's first beach trip

DTLA for Nike 3 on 3


Teagy focused on the basketball game

One of our favorite things, the farmer's market!

Amaya's First Birthday Party

Our happy girl! :)

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