Monday, October 12, 2015

5 Months and Counting

5 months!

She was over her 5 month photo shoot by the end

I can't believe how fast Teagan is growing up! She is just under 6 months, but it feels like she is already growing up too fast. At her 4 month appointment she was 26 inches (98th percentile!) and 13 pounds 4 ounces (60th percentile). Gone is our short and chubby newborn; our little baby is officially long and lean like mommy and daddy. Her 6 month appointment is coming up soon already. Hopefully we'll have some more positive stats then.

She isn't quite crawling yet, but she is definitely getting around on her own. She scoots, rolls, flips, and pulls her way around almost as efficiently a fully grown small animal. Like Chelsia says, “there’s no stopping Teagan. She might not be able to crawl or walk but she can move.” She sits up on her own probably easier than a full grown adult at this point, which makes sleeping difficult. It’s a common site to look down at our baby monitor to see our little baby sitting up and looking around.

Gone are the days when she would fall asleep against my chest. She is far too interested in the world to lay still there long enough to fall asleep now. She will have her head cranked up and whipping around in less than 30 seconds if I even try that now. Then she puts one arm to the sky and flips off with full force and complete confidence that I will catch her and prevent a harmful fall.

That turning power is quite amazing. You should see her on the changing table! I can't get through a diaper anymore without her flipping over onto her stomach while I'm holding her legs together in the air at least once. It leaves her with her face down on the changing pad with her feet strung up in the air pressed together at the ankles and her bare bottom swinging violently from side to side. It's actually really cute, but incredibly frustrating at the same time. It can also get messy! Gross, I know.

We have started feeding her solids every night. It's been interesting seeing what she likes and doesn't like. She didn’t like much at all at first, but she is starting to come around and appears to even enjoy her nightly feedings now. Her favorite food so far has been butternut squash. She hated pears, and something about the texture of avocados made her scream like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone (you know the scene where he puts the after shave on). You could tell that she didn't mind the taste, but the sticky texture didn't tickle her fancy. Starting solids early seems like it was a good choice as they seem to really be growing on her. She is starting to happily eat more and more and leaves less on the table/floor/high chair each time.

Not a fan of rice cereal

But she loved butternut squash

We finally got her sleeping in her nursery, but that only lasted for less than a week before the California heat wave came raging back with full force. It's okay though, we missed her in our room anyway. It's hard to put into words how much we love our little baby Teagan. We are enjoying having her as part of our family more than we ever knew we could.


Aquarium of the Pacific

We saw giant clams just like these snorkeling in Fiji.

Live shark egg. Amazing exhibit at the aquarium!

American Samoa is the tiniest land mass near my finger. The larger land masses are Western Samoa.

Spider Crab!

Jelly fish petting exhibit.

Teagan knocked out by this point.

She does wake up like this.

Teagan's first Clippers' Game (Preseason vs Nuggets). We were able to trade for two more tickets to the game so my parents were able to go too.

Clippers Open Practice at Galen Center. CP3 said Tea is a very pretty baby :)

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