Thursday, April 23, 2015

39 Weeks and 5 days.

Alex (Saul's sister) took these pics of us in Palos Verdes at 37 weeks. :)

So without any official research of our blog I'm pretty sure this is officially the longest we've gone without posting. It's not for a lack of excitement in our lives or lack of things to write about but instead that we've been so ridiculously busy.

Today I'm 39 weeks and 5 days pregnant (in other words 2  days until my due date!). No way did I think I was going to bake our little one for this long. I guess I had my fingers crossed for 38 weeks but that obviously has come and gone. I must have a really comfy womb because if it were me I would have been out of there a long time ago. I mean who wants to be uber cramped up in the uterus of their mom who wakes up every three minutes at night to go to the bathroom? I really shouldn't be complaining. I was blessed to have a relatively easy pregnancy. I read horror stories of first trimester (not to mention entire pregnancy) morning sickness, swelling, bed rest, etc. I didn't even really start feeling pregnant until I was 36ish weeks (aside from the keen sense of smell I had in my first trimester). By "feeling pregnant" I mean I perpetually waddle, my belly button which is typically an "innie" looks dangerously close to an "outtie", I can't hold my pee for more than five seconds, it looks like I have a watermelon shoved under my shirt, I get asked if I need help to my car every time I go to the store, and my snoogle has become more of a burden than a comfort. I literally feel like I have to wrestle it every time I get in and out of bed. I'm also pretty sure that the whole "nesting" thing is a fallacy or at least it never happened for me. I never wanted to clean. I mean I did/am but as far as wanting to clean everything....yeah, not so much! ;)

This is a snoogle, just fyi. :)

Enough of my complaining. Lots has happened since we last posted. Life has been pretty prepare-for-baby-centric which for us is super exciting but might be kind of dull to read about. My mom, brother and sister flew in from New York, Ohio and Oregon and spent the week with us which was great! We had our baby shower which was held at my grandparent's house and turned out to be a lovely afternoon. We have amazingly supportive families that really helped us prepare for our baby girl and we just felt super loved after leaving our shower (cheeeeeesy, I know).

Saul and I still have left over candy. Nom.

The little sis was hosting the games.


Grandparents came over for dinner at our still sorta new place.

Addie went on a hospital tour with me and we got the funniest reactions from the staff.

Dropping Josh off at the LB airport.

Saul and I went to the Big City Mom's Biggest Baby Shower at the Skirball Center. It's sort of like a baby convention with lots of baby products, giveaways, raffles and other goodies. We paid about $120 for our couple pass and came out with SO much more than the ticket price in free stuff. We even won a Britax B-Agile 4 and B-Safe 35 Travel System stroller/car seat combo (retail is something like $450). Granted we already had received our dream stroller and our car seat(the Baby Jogger City Select, which we actually picked out in a department store in Spain) but now we have a car seat for each of our cars and what we're calling a travel stroller. Kind of amazing.
Some of the many goodies we got at the Biggest Baby Shower.
Saul putting our stroller together :)
We did a preparation for child birth class with Lamaze techniques for five weeks at our hospital. Can I just humble brag for five seconds about how amazing my husband is?! He literally was the biggest trooper through the series (even the birth videos segment)! I feel so fortunate that he's going to be my birth partner/coach/baby daddy whatever you want to call it and even more fortunate that he's my husband and the father of my child. :)
Daddy reading to his baby girl. :) She loves it and seriously goes crazy every time he does.
Don't mind my bulbous belly btw.

We've been able to make it to a large handful of Clipper's games this season as well. We figure it's a good way to get our daughter used to the noise before she starts going to the games ;). Considering we hadn't been to a game since the 2012-2013 season it was pretty exciting for us and pretty shocking to all our seat neighbors in section 110 that hadn't seen us in almost two years to have me come back with a belly.
First Clippers game in almost two years.

Vs. Memphis

The man in the green shirt is Liev Schrieber aka Ray Donovan.

And finally tickets to my fav. team vs. my 2nd fav. team. Ayesha and Steph Curry tho. Josh might be the only person that understands my couple crush for them. They're the cutest thing to happen to NBA relationships. EVER. I'm trying to get Saul to understand their greatness but he can't look passed the rivalry. :)
As far as playing catch up I think that's just about it. We officially finished our daughter's nursery which is peach, mint, grey and white. It actually turned out better than we could have hoped for and looks pretty gorgeous. I'll post pictures after she gets here.  We have a name picked out. Our hospital bags have been packed for a couple of weeks and floating between our cars. Now, we're really just playing the waiting game. I eat tons of pineapple, walk the dogs, and drink red raspberry leaf tea. All of the aforementioned methods are "said" to help induce labor (I'm antsy, so shoot me). The last few weeks have felt longer than the other 37 combined.

30 weeks. Valentine's Day.

32 weeks.

33 weeks.

34 weeks.

35 weeks.

37 weeks. and my snoogle?

I seriously can't wait for our family of two to become three in what I'm hoping is no more than a few short days.
My favorite parking spots. Babies R Us has become our second home. Tip: they price match Amazon, Walmart, Target and just about every other store.

1 comment:

  1. I guess I will keep commenting until you reply! It's Ashley g. Missing you tons and wish I had known we were so close
